What a nine month trip...pregnancy #4! In the beginning I was so sick not being able to eat anything and because the smell of coffee made me sick I went through caffiene withdrawals on top of being sick from the baby. Once the sickness went away (around 5 months)...the pregnancy was great. I wasn't as big with this pregnancy as i was with my others which I greatly enjoyed. However...that changed. Typically with my pregnancies I gain ALL OVER but with this one I gained right there in my tummy. I've never had such a big...out there tummy. So by month 7 I started feeling greatly uncomfortable. By month 8 I was miserable all the way through that last month. The baby was taking up every bit of space I had. I couldn't sit up straight...I could lay down comfortably and I couldn't sleep for anything. I measured two weeks too big through this pregnancy which made me super nervous to have a huge baby. My due date came and went. I was scheduled for an induction three days past my due date but it kept getting cancelled throughout the day because they were too busy and couldn't take on a woman who wasn't in true labor. I spent the entire day in prayer and petition to God as he taught me patience. Finally my labor began on it's own and our little man was here in no time. Three days overdue...ugh! Benjamen Aaron Berenbrock made his appearance to our family on June 28, 2011 at 10:50 pm weighing 9 lbs 7oz and measuring 21.5 inches long...NO WONDER I was so uncomfortable :). Here's our latest blessing!
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