
About Me

I am a full-time mommy with three kids under the age of four.  William, Zakary and three wonderful blessings from my God. 
I truly decided about 1 1/2 ago that I wanted to really pursue photography and when I made that decision that was it.  I couldn't stop learning, couldn't get enough practice and information to really bring out the beauty in my photographs. 
I struggled like any other mom with what my real purpose was in life.  It couldn't be just changing diapers all day, making breakfast and cleaning that up just to get thinking about lunch and what to do.  I knew there was something else out there for me.  Don't get me wrong I think being home with your kiddos is such a HUGE honor and responsibility but we're a selfish people and I wanted to do something more for myself.  I found this passion of taking pictures of my kids and bought my first camera.  Well it was a domino effect and soon I was taking pictures of other peoples kids.  I thank God for his Holy Spirit and allowing me to see how this passion could easily turn selfish, stressful and take my attention away from the greatest responsibility He's given me.  So I promised I would use this gift He's given me to bring glory to His through my photographs I will try and find your story and how Gods grace and love shines on your life.  I thank my husband for being so encouraging and supportive and I thank my family for believing I could do this but most importantly I thank my Lord and Savior because he gave me this gift.  Not only the gift of photography but to see life and all that is around me as a reflection of who our mighty  God really is...beautiful and loving.